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Stance Analysis

One of the things that makes East-West Animal Hospital so special is that we strive to balance the practice of traditional Eastern medicine with the latest medical advancements in Western medicine.

EWAH invests in some of the most cutting-edge technology to provide the most comprehensive care for your pet.  In furtherance of this goal EWAH is pleased to announce our recent acquisition of a Companion Stance Analyzer – making us one of the only hospitals in the Greater Tampa Bay Area with this state-of-the-art device.

The Companion Stance Analyzer is a tool used to quickly evaluate the way your pet is standing and shifting weight by measuring the exact percentage of a pet’s body weight that is being placed on each limb.  This tool provides a more comprehensive orthopedic evaluation and is particularly useful in identifying potential issues with lameness.  By detecting lameness early, before it is severe enough to be easily identified when your pet is in pain, we can get a jumpstart in providing effective treatment.

Furthermore, the CSA can be used in wellness exams, limping evaluations, monitoring older pets with arthritis, or monitoring various musculoskeletal conditions.  It is extremely helpful in determining if the various treatment interventions are making a difference and allow us to adjust our treatment plans moving more effectively accordingly.

“Whether your pet is Rehabilitating from Trauma or Injury, Showing Possible Lameness, or simply aging, your fur baby can benefit from this innovative approach to identifying potential mobility issues.”
The Stance Analyzer Provides
  • Non-invasive, Pain-Free Diagnostic Test to help identify a variety of conditions
  • ·Can be an asset in Monitoring Existing Treatment Plans for Improvement
The Stance Analyzer Provides the Best Care
  • Early Detection of Mobility Issues that may be Hard to Identify Visually
  • Assess Lameness helps to Identify the problem area
  • Evaluates Treatment Effectiveness
  • Progress of Orthopedic Conditions
  • Printable Graph of Progress Over Time
How does it work?
  • The Stance Analyzer objectively measures the percentage of weight your pet places on each limb.
  • By placing a foot in each of the four quadrants, the Stance Analyzer will show if a pet is favoring a limb.
How will my Pet Benefit?
  • Identifying Changes in Gait are often very difficult to see and identify since pets have a tendency to “camouflage” a weakness.
  • By using the Stance Analyzer, your pet will Shift their Weight to reflect their Discomfort in a Standing Position.
  • This allows our Veterinarians to identify a possible issue (Early Detection)
  • Create and Monitor Unique Treatment Plans specifically for your pet and enables you to see your Pets Progress.
When should I have an Analysis done?
  • First, we recommend that Every Annual Exam include a Stance Analysis.  This will enable the veterinarian to develop a baseline and monitor for any changes.
  • Second, any pet that has been Limping or Shown Any Mobility Issue, even temporary, should present for a Stance Analysis.
  • Third, any Performance or Highly Active Dog may want to have an analysis done every couple of months to identify potential problems early on.