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Behavior Services

Veterinary medicine not only deals with the medical issues of our furry friends but their mental health and behavior as well.  Behavior issues can cause additional stress for pets and their families which leads to medical issues and vice versa.   While our doctors are not board-certified veterinary behaviorists (there are only 3 in the state of FL and 80 in the US), they both have a strong interest in behavior.  At EWAH, we educate pet owners on proper play and early handling techniques of our furry friends.  Despite all precautions and proper training, pets sometimes still develop behavioral issues that their human families may not find appropriate.

Some behavioral issues that we often see include:
  • Dogs—separation anxiety, noise phobia, house soiling, barking, and aggression.
  • Cats– litter box issues, inter-cat aggression, play aggression, scratching inappropriate surfaces.

Oftentimes, a medical workup is required to rule out an underlying medical condition for a behavioral issue.  Sometimes a behavioral issue is just a behavioral issue.

Often, there is not a “quick fix” for behavioral issues.  Medication may be required either as needed, for certain situations, or long term; however, medications should not be used alone. We recommend that medications be used in conjunction with training and possible referral to our local board-certified behaviorist.

While our doctors do not do training, East West Animal Hospital has very reputable trainers they can refer clients to.

We use a collaborative approach with behavioral modification.  It is particularly important that you, as the pet’s owner, the veterinarian, the trainer, and the behaviorist are all on the same page.  We know how special and unique your pet is.  We strive to develop an individualized treatment plan that works best for you and your pet.  One size does not fit all.

​We welcome the opportunity to help resolve any issues you may be having with your pet.  We have a lengthy behavioral questionnaire to help us understand your household routine, the people interacting with your pet, and the responses from different actions in your home.