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Vaccines and Your Pet

By April 25, 2024 No Comments

Why We Only Administer One Injectable Vaccine Per Exam?

Let’s begin by why it is so important to vaccinate your pet!  Every animal has the exposure to getting several illnesses when not vaccinated against these diseases/illnesses.  For example, DHPP (Canine Distemper, Parvovirus, and Infectious Hepatitis) and FVRCP (Feline Distemper, Rhinotracheitis, Calici), and other vaccines which help prevent viral infections/sickness from occurring.  If you don’t get your pet vaccinated these infections can be fatal to your furry friend!

Why we administer one injectable vaccine at a time?
At East-West Animal Hospital, Dr. Register believes it is best to vaccinate one per visit to lessen your pet’s chances of a vaccine reaction.  Also, helps if there is a vaccine reaction to know which vaccine it was caused from.  Some pets even get vaccine reactions after already having that series before.  We always want the best for your pet and want to be safe when it comes to treating your best friend.  Not to mention, how it helps with their immune system by having one vaccine per visit.  At EWAH, we support 1 injectable vaccine at a time along with the ability to give an oral vaccine, such as Bordetella at the same time.  Of course, depending on the circumstances and doctor’s orders, we recommend due to the pet’s immunity build up for them not to be vaccinated again for DHP which can be tested with Titer’s bloodwork.​

What is a Titer blood test and what does it do?
Titer blood test helps determine if your dog/cat needs a vaccine booster.  This blood test shows if your pet has enough antibodies in their system to defend against the viruses, they received through vaccinations in the past.  Many animal hospitals, including ours, don’t believe it is necessary to continue annual vaccines if the animal’s body is already adapted to fighting the viruses.  The blood test should be repeated annually to check if the antibodies are still protecting from illnesses.  Why do we recommend checking if your pet is protected?  Well although vaccines are safe; they sometimes do cause reactions and even though its rare, it can result in anaphylaxis.

You may be asking yourself what exactly is Anaphylaxis?
The answer is an immediate hypersensitive (allergic) reaction also known as anaphylactic shock.  This is a reaction to a foreign protein or substance known as an allergen or antigen.  Such reactions as Anaphylaxis can be life-threatening and need to seek medical help immediately.  The common signs of Anaphylaxis depend on the route of exposure such as the mouth, skin, inhalation, injections, and more.

Symptoms of Vaccine Reactions

Symptoms of vaccine reactions usually occur within the first 24 hours of giving the vaccine.  Some of the main vaccine reactions that occur are:

  • Fever
  • Fainting
  • Tenderness
  • Lethargic
  • Facial swelling
  • Hives
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Coughing
  • Acute liver & kidney failure
  • Difficultly breathing

Many of these vaccine reactions happen when giving multiple vaccines at the same time.  East-West Animal Hospital has seen much improvement when vaccinating only one injectable at a time.  When a pet appears with these symptoms, we know how to treat it exactly and how to prevent it from happening again.  We recommend always watching your pet a few hours after each vaccine.

How can you treat Anaphylactic Shock?

An anaphylactic reaction is a medical emergency that must be cared for immediately!  Once the pet begins with reactions, which typically happens shortly after vaccines are given, the pet will need the appropriate amount of fluids and injections such as epinephrine and cortisone to help stop the life-threatening reaction.  Thankfully, with the proper treatment, these reactions will reserve in even a small period.

Anaphylaxis can happen to dogs, cats, humans, and more.  Many times, the symptoms for anaphylactic shock are:

  • Severe respiratory distress
  • Excessive drooling
  • Fast heart rate but weak pulse
  • Seizures, coma, or death
  • Sudden diarrhea or vomiting
  • Pale gums and Cold Limbs
  • Facial swelling along with itchiness

Whether you see signs of a vaccine reaction as well as anaphylactic shock; we recommend you seek veterinary care to prevent symptoms from worsening as well as stopping severe reactions.  Be safe and think what is best for your furry loved one!

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