What makes your pet happy? Treats? Toys? Going for rides? Hugs and kisses?
How about going to the vet? We all know that veterinary checkups can be stressful for our furry family members. However, there is something that can only benefit their outlook on going to the doctor.
Fun Visits!
Bringing your pet in just for fun can greatly improve their behaviors. This concept was recommended by Fear Free professionals and has helped pets tremendously. These visits are to show your fur babies that not all trips to the vet are unpleasant.
What to expect at fun visits? During fun visits the technicians will give treats, toys, pets, and love. Our goal is to make sure your pet receives enrichment and support for their emotional wellbeing while at the doctor. Anything it takes to help reduce their fears.
Some things that you can do to help:
- Bring your pets favorite treats and toys
- Make sure they come in hungry so that they are eager to receive treats from the technicians
- Don’t rush to your appointment. Make sure you give yourself enough time before hand. Your pets can sense stress and feed off your emotions. When your relaxed, they will relax.
- Let the technicians know of any happy phrases or words that your pet responds positively to. Such as “Good boy/girl”, “Car ride”, “Treat”, “Cookie”, etc.
When should you schedule a fun visit? If your pet has fear, anxiety, and/or stress, it is best to start fun visits right away. Make sure to schedule an appointment ahead of time so that your vet techs can have a room set up and can provide their undivided attention to your fur baby.
Is there a limit to the amount fun visits they can have? No! We are ALWAYS happy to see your pet(s) and we love being able to spoil them with love.
Jade H. This little pitty pup has been part of the East-West Animal Hospital family since Sept. 2016. At first, she was indifferent about her visits so long as mom was close by but after being diagnosed with an extrahepatic liver shunt, she had to have multiple vet visits for close monitoring. She was also attacked frequently by another dog in the household (due to him having declined cognitive function). After going through all of that, she started to develop a fear of the doctor as well as having social anxiety with other dogs. This made it hard for her to receive the wellness treatment that she needed as well as going to dog parks for fun. So, she started coming into work with her mom on a regular basis to increase her socialization with people and other pets. As her anxiety began to decrease, she became more comfortable with the doctor and technicians in addition to making new furry friends. Now she is EWAH’s official greeter and loves playing with other dogs at the park!
Buddy M. Buddy is a big handsome mastiff who thinks he is a lap dog. He has been a part of the EWAH family since October 2018. Because he is a puppy (and still growing!), he needs to come in regularly for vaccine boosters and updated weights. Even though he is lovable, he had some fear of the doctor and would shy away when she would get close. After coming in for fun visits where Dr. Register and the technicians would socialize with him, he became less fearful and more playful! He enjoys cuddling, paddle boarding, and now seeing his EWAH friends.
Sending best wishes and puppy dog kisses,